Bl. John Thorne - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Bl. John Thorne - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Bl. Roger James, Roman Catholic Benedictine Martyr of England. Monk of Glastonbury Abbey, when the monks opposed the royal decree, Roger was hanged, drawn, and quartered on Tor Hill, over looking Glastonbury, with his abbot, Blessed Richard Whiting, and with Blessed John Thome. Feastday Nov 15
Bl. Roger James, Roman Catholic Benedictine Martyr of England. Monk of Glastonbury Abbey, when the monks opposed the royal decree, Roger was hanged, drawn, and quartered on Tor Hill, over looking Glastonbury, with his abbot, Blessed Richard Whiting, and with Blessed John Thome. Feastday Nov 15