Catholic Martyrs of the English Reformation

Catholic Martyrs of the English Reformation
John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, 22 June 1535
Thomas More, layman, 6 July 1535
John Almond, priest, 1612[2]
Edmund Arrowsmith, Jesuit priest, 1628
Ambrose Edward Barlow, Benedictine priest, 10 September 1641[3]
John Boste, priest, 24 July 1594[4]
Alexander Briant, Jesuit priest, 1 December 1581
Edmund Campion, Jesuit priest, 1 December 1581
Margaret Clitherow, laywoman, 25 March 1586[5]
Philip Evans, Jesuit priest, 1679
Thomas Garnet, Jesuit priest, 1608
Edmund Gennings, priest, 1591
John Griffith (alias Jones, Buckley, or Griffith, or Godfrey Maurice), Franciscan friar, 1598
Richard Gwyn (alias Richard White), layman, 1584
John Houghton, Prior of the London Charterhouse, 4 May 1535
Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, layman, 1595
John Kemble, priest, 1679
Luke Kirby, priest, 30 May 1582
Robert Lawrence, Prior of the Beauvale Charterhouse, 4 May 1535[6]
David Lewis, Jesuit priest, 1679[2]
Anne Line, laywoman, 1601
John Lloyd, priest, 1679
Cuthbert Mayne, priest, 1577
Henry Morse, Jesuit priest, 1645[2]
Nicholas Owen, Jesuit lay-brother, 1606
John Payne, priest, 1582
Polydore Plasden, priest, 1591[2]
John Plessington, priest, 1679
Richard Reynolds, Brigittine monk of Syon Abbey, 4 May 1535[7]
John Rigby, layman, 1600
John Roberts, Benedictine priest, 1610
Alban Bartholomew Roe, Benedictine priest, 1642
Ralph Sherwin, priest, 1 December 1581
John Southworth, priest, 1654
Robert Southwell, Jesuit priest, 1595[2]
John Stone, Augustinian friar
John Wall, Franciscan priest, 1679[2]
Henry Walpole, Jesuit priest, 1595[2]
Margaret Ward, laywoman, 1588
Augustine Webster, Prior of the Axholme Charterhouse, 4 May 1535
Swithin Wells, layman, 1591
Eustace White, priest, 1591[2]
Oliver Plunkett, Archbishop of Armagh, 1 July 1681 (beatified in 1920).
Thomas Abell, priest, 30 July 1540[8]
Richard Bere, Carthusian monk, 9 August 1537
Thomas Cottam, Jesuit priest, 30 May 1582
John Davy, Carthusian, 8 June 1537
William Exmew, Carthusian monk, 19 June 1535
John Felton, layman, 8 August 1570
Richard Fetherston, Archdeacon, 30 July 1540
William Filby, 30 May 1582
Thomas Ford, 28 May 1582
John Forest, Franciscan friar, 22 May 1538
German Gardiner, layman, 7 March 1544
Thomas Green, Carthusian, 10 June 1537
William Greenwood, Carthusian brother, 6 June 1537
John Haile (or Hale), priest, 4 May 1535
Everard Hanse, priest, 1581
William Hart, priest, 1583
William Horne, Carthusian lay brother, 4 August 1540
Robert Johnson, priest, 1582
Thomas Johnson, Carthusian, 20 September 1537
Richard Kirkman, priest, 1582
William Lacy (or Lacey), priest, 22 August 1582
John Larke, priest, 7 March 1544
Humphrey Middlemore, Carthusian monk, 19 June 1535
John Nelson, priest, 1577
Sebastian Newdigate, Carthusian monk, 19 June 1535
Walter Pierson, Carthusian brother, 10 June 1537
Thomas Plumtree, priest, 1570 - Chaplain to the Rising of the North
Edward Powell, 30 July 1540
Thomas Redyng, Carthusian, 16 June 1537
Laurence Richardson (also known as Laurence Johnson[9]), 30 May 1582
John Rochester, Carthusian monk, 11 May 1537
Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, laywoman, 27 May 1541
Robert Salt, Carthusian brother, 9 June 1537
Thomas Scryven, Carthusian, 15 June 1537
John Shert, priest, 1582
Thomas Sherwood, layman, 1579
John Story, Chancellor to Bishop Bonner, 1571 - for high treason (for having supported the Northern Rebellion of 1569 and encouraging the Duke of Alba to invade)
Richard Thirkeld, priest, 1583
James Tompson, priest, York, 1582
James Walworth, Carthusian monk, 11 May 1537
Thomas Woodhouse, priest, 1573

John Beche, Abbot of Colchester, 1 December 1539[10]
John Eynon, priest, 14 November 1539
Hugh Faringdon, Abbot of Reading, 14 November 1539
Adrian Fortescue, Knight of St. John of Jerusalem, 9 July 1539
Roger James, Benedictine, 15 November 1539
Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland, layman, 1572 - Leader of the Rising of the North
John Rugg (or Rugge), Benedictine monk, 15 November 1539
John Thorne, Benedictine monk, 15 November 1539
Richard Whiting, Abbot of Glastonbury, 15 November 1539

Henry Abbot, layman, 4 July 1597
John Amias, priest, 16 March 1589[11]
Robert Anderton, priest, 25 April 1586.[12]
William Andleby, priest, 4 July 1597[13]
Ralph Ashley, Jesuit priest, 7 April 1607[3]
Thomas Aufield, priest, 6 July 1585[14]
Christopher Bales, priest, 4 March 1590[15]
Mark Barkworth, Benedictine, 27 February 1601[3]
William Barrow,[16] alias William Harcourt, 20 June 1679
James Bell, priest, 1584
James Bird (or Byrd or Beard), layman, 25 March 1592
John Bodey, priest, 2 November 1583[17]
Thomas Bosgrave, layman, 4 July 1594[18]
William Browne, layman, 1605
Christopher Buxton, priest, died Canterbury, 1 October 1588[19]
Edward Campion (also known as Gerard Edwards), 1 October 1588[19]
John Carey, Dublin born lay helper of John Cornelius S.J., 4 July 1594[18]
Edmund Catherick, priest, 1642
James Claxton (Clarkson), priest, 1588
Edward Colman (or Coleman), layman, 1678
Ralph Corbie, Jesuit, 7 September 1644[3]
John Cornelius, Jesuit priest, 4 July 1594[18]
Ralph Crockett, priest, 1 October 1588
Robert Dalby, priest, York, 16 March 1589[11]
William Dean, priest, 28 August 1588[20]
Francis Dicconson, priest, 1590
Roger Dicconson, priest, 7 July 1591
James Duckett, layman, 1601
John Duckett, priest, 1644
Thomas Felton, Franciscan, 1588
James Fenn, priest, 1584
John Fenwick, Jesuit priest, 1679[16]
John Finch, 1584
William Freeman, priest, 1595[21]
Edward Fulthrop, layman, 1597
John Gavan, Jesuit priest, 1679[16]
Miles Gerard, priest, 1590
George Gervase, Benedictine, 1608
David Gonson (or Gunston), layman, 12 July 1541
Hugh Green, priest, 1642
John Grove, layman, 1679
William Gunter, priest, 1588
William Harrington, priest, 1594
William Hartley, priest, 1588
Thomas Hemerford, priest, 1584[2]
Richard Herst (Hurst), layman, 29 August 1628
John Hewitt (alias Weldon, alias Savell), priest, 1588
Sydney Hodgson, layman, 10 December 1591
Thomas Holford, priest, 1588
Thomas Holland, priest, 12 December 1642[3]
Laurence Humphreys (or Humphrey), layman, 1591
John Ingram, priest, 1594[2]
John Ireland, priest, 7 March 1544[22]
William Ireland, Jesuit priest, 1679[16]
Edward James, priest, 1588[2]
Edward Jones, priest, 1590
Brian Lacey, layman, 1591
Richard Langhorne, layman, 1679
Richard Langley, layman, 1586
Richard Leigh, priest, 1588[2]
John Lockwood, priest, 1642[2]
William Marsden, priest, 25 April 1586[12]
Richard Martin, layman, 30 August 1588
John Mason, layman, 1591
Thomas Maxfield, priest, 1616
Anthony Middleton, priest, 1590
Ralph Milner, layman, 7 July 1591
Hugh More, layman, 28 August 1588
Robert Morton, priest, 1588[2]
John Munden, priest, 1584[2]
George Napper (alias Napier), priest, Oxford, 1610
John Nutter, priest, 1584
Edward Oldcorne, Jesuit priest, 1606[2]
Francis Page, Jesuit, 1602
William Patenson, priest, 1592
John Pibush, priest, 1601
Thomas Pickering, Benedictine, 1679
Philip Powell, Benedictine, 1646
Alexander Rawlins, priest, 1595
Richard (Thomas) Reynolds (alias Green), priest, 1 January 1642[3]
William Richardson, priest, 1603[3]
John Robinson, priest, 1588
John Roche, layman, 1588
Patrick Salmon, layman, 4 July 1594[18]
Maurus Scott (William Scot) 1612
Edward Shelley, 30 August 1588,
John Slade, layman, 1583
Richard Smith, (also known as Richard Newport), priest, 1612[23]
Thomas Somers, priest, 1610
John Speed, layman, 4 February 1594
William Howard, 1st Viscount Stafford, layman, 29 December 1680
Edward Stransham, priest, 1586
Robert Sutton, layman, 5 October 1588
George Swallowell, layman, 26 July 1594
Thomas Thwing, priest, 1679[16]
Thomas Tunstall, priest, 1616
Anthony Turner, Jesuit, 1679[2]
Thomas Warcop, layman, 4 July 1597
William Ward, priest, 1641
Edward Waterson, priest, 1593
Robert Watkinson, priest, 1602
William Way (alias May or Flower), priest, 1588
Thomas Welbourne, layman, 1 August 1605
Thomas Whitbread, Jesuit, 1679[16]
Robert Widmerpool, layman, 1 October 1588[19]
Robert Wilcox, priest, 1 October 1588[19]
Peter Wright, Jesuit, 1651

John Adams, priest, 8 October 1586[24]
Thomas Atkinson, priest, 1616
Edward Bamber, priest, 1646[16]
George Beesley, priest, 5 July 1591[25]
Arthur Bell, Franciscan priest, 1643[16]
Thomas Belson, layman, 5 July 1589[26]
Robert Bickerdike, layman, 23 July 1586
Alexander Blake, layman, 4 March 1590;[15]
Marmaduke Bowes, layman, 26 November 1585[27]
John Britton (alias Bretton), layman, 1 April 1598[28]
Thomas Bullaker, Franciscan priest, 1642
Edward Burden, priest, 1588
Roger Cadwallador, priest, 1610
William Carter, layman, 11 January 1584[29]
Alexander Crow, priest, 30 November 1587
William Davies, priest, 27 July 1593
Robert Dibdale, priest, 8 October 1586[24]
George Douglas, priest, 1587
Robert Drury, priest, 1607
Edmund Duke, priest, 27 May 1590[2]
George Errington, layman, 1596
Roger Filcock, priest, 1601
John Finglow (Fingley), priest, 8 August 1586
Matthew Flathers, priest, 1608
Richard Flower, layman, 1588
Nicholas Garlick, priest, 1588
William Gibson, layman, 1596
Ralph Grimston, layman, 1598
Robert Grissold, layman, 1604
John Hambley, priest, 1587
Robert Hardesty, layman, 1589
George Haydock, priest, 12 February 1584[2]
Henry Heath, Franciscan priest, 1643
Richard Hill, priest, 27 May 1590
John Hogg, priest, 27 May 1590
Richard Holiday, priest, 27 May 1590
Nicholas Horner, layman, 4 March 1590
Thomas Hunt, priest, 1600
Thurstan Hunt, priest, 1601
Francis Ingleby, priest, 3 June 1586
William Knight, layman, 1596
Joseph Lambton, priest, 24 July 1592[2]
William Lampley, layman, 1588
John Lowe, priest, 8 October 1586[24]
Robert Ludlam, priest, 1588
Charles Mahoney (alias Meehan), Franciscan priest, 1679
Robert Middleton, priest, March 1601[2]
George Nichols, priest, 1589
John Norton, layman, 1600
Robert Nutter, priest, 1600
Edward Osbaldeston, priest, 1594
Antony Page, priest, 1593
Thomas Palasor, priest, 1600;
William Pike, layman, 1591
Thomas Pilchard, priest, 21 March 1587
Thomas Pormort, priest, 20 February 1592[2]
Nicholas Postgate, priest, 1679
Humphrey Pritchard, layman, 1589
Christopher Robinson, priest, 1597
Stephen Rowsham, priest, 1587
John Sandys, priest, 11 August 1586
Montford Scott, priest, 1591
Richard Sergeant, priest, 2 April 1586
Richard Simpson, priest, 1588
Peter Snow, priest, 1598
William Southerne, priest, 1618
William Spenser, priest, 1589
Thomas Sprott, priest, 1600
John Sugar, priest, 1604
Robert Sutton, priest, 1587
Edmund Sykes, priest, 23 March 1587
John Talbot, layman, 1600
Hugh Taylor, priest, 25 November 1585[27]
William Thomson, priest, 20 April 1586
Robert Thorpe, priest, 1591
John Thulis, priest, 18 Mar 1616[2]
Edward Thwing, priest, 26 July 1600[2]
Thomas Watkinson, layman, 31 May 1591[2]
Henry Webley, 28 August 1588
Christopher Wharton, priest, 1600
Thomas Whitaker, priest, 1646[16]
John Woodcock, Franciscan priest, 7 August 1646[2]
Nicholas Woodfen, priest, 21 January 1586
Roger Wrenno, layman, 1616
Richard Yaxley, priest, 1589

Anthony Brookby, Franciscan, 7 July 1537:[30]
Thomas Cort, Franciscan, 27 July 1538:[30]
Thomas Belchiam, Franciscan friar, 3 August 1538:[30][31]
John Griffith (or Clark), priest, 8 July 1539
Friar Waire, Franciscan, 8 July 1539[32]
Sir Thomas Dingley, layman, 9 July 1539
Edmund Brindholme, priest, 4 August 1540[33][34]
Clement Philpott (or Philpot), layman, 4 August 1540[34]
Thomas Ashby, layman, 19 March 1544 - "there was some doubt that he died as a Catholic"
Thomas Webley, layman, 6 July 1585[14]
Richard Williams, priest, 21 February 1592
Roger Ashton, soldier, 23 June 1592 - assisted Sir William Stanley in the surrender of Deventer to Spain
John Lion, layman, 16 July 1598
James Dowdall, layman, 13 August 1598
Richard Horner, priest, 4 September 1598
Nicholas Tichborne, layman, 24 August 1601,
Thomas Hackshott (alias Hawkshaw), layman, 24 August 1601,
James Harrison, priest, 22 March 1602
Anthony Bates (alias Battie), layman, 22 March 1602
Thomas Tichborne, priest, 20 April 1602[2]
Laurence Bailey, layman, August 1604
John Goodman, priest, 8 April 1642[16] (died in prison)
Edward Morgan, priest, 26 April 1642[2]
Robert Price (alias Aprece), layman, shot by Puritan soldiers, 7 May 1644
Brian Cansfield (or Tansfield), 3 August 1645[2] (died of ill-treatment in prison)
Edward Mico, Jesuit, 1678[2] (arrested, but too ill to be removed from sick-bed, where he died)
Thomas Bedingfeld (also known as Thomas Downes),[35][16] 21 December 1678 (died in prison)
Francis Nevil, Jesuit, February 1679[16] (died in prison)
Francis Levison, Franciscan, 11 February 1680 (died in prison)


Robert Dymoke, layman, 1580 (died in prison)
John Cooper, layman, 1580 (died in prison)
William Tyrwhit, layman, 1580 (died in prison - named by error for his brother Robert)
William Chaplin, seminary priest, 1583 (died in prison)
Thomas Cotesmore, priest, 1584 (died in prison)
Robert Holmes, priest, 1584 (died in prison)
Roger Wakeman, priest, 1584 (died in prison)
James Lomax, priest, 1584 (died in prison)
Mr Ailworth, layman, 1584 (died in prison)
Thomas Crowther, priest, 1585 (died in prison)
Edward Pole, priest, 1585 (died in prison)
Laurence Vaux, priest, 1585 (died in prison)
John Jetter, priest, 1585 (died in prison)
John Harrison, priest, 1586 (died in prison)
Martin Sherson, priest, 1587 (died in prison)
Gabriel Thimelby, layman, 1587 (died in prison)
Thomas Metham, Jesuit, 1592 (died in prison)
James Atkinson, layman, 1595 ("killed under torture by Topcliffe, but evidence is wanted of his constancy to the end")
Matthew/Matthias Harrison, seminary priest, 1599 (not yet sufficiently distinguished from James Harrison
Eleanor Hunt, widow, 1600 (died in prison)
Mrs Swithun Wells, widow, 1602 (died in prison)
Henry Garnet, Jesuit, executed 1606 ("was he killed ex odio fidei, or was he believed to be guilty of the Powder Plot, by merely human misjudgment, not through religious prejudice?")[14]
John Mawson, layman, executed 1614 (not yet sufficiently distinguished from John Mason, 1591)
Thomas Dyer, Benedictine, c.1618-1630 - his identity 'has not been fully proved'[37]
Edward Wilkes, priest, 1642 (died in prison)
Boniface Kemp, priest, OSB, 1642 (died in prison)
Ildephonse Hesketh (alias William Hanson), Benedictine, 1642 (died in prison)
Thomas Vaughan, priest, probably 1644 (died in prison)
Richard Bradley, Jesuit, 1645 (died in prison)
John Felton, priest, SJ, 1646 (died in prison)
Thomas Blount, priest, probably 1646[16] (died in prison)
Robert Cox, Benedictine, 1650 (died in prison)
Laurence Hill, layman, 1679 (Was it due to odium fidei, or an unprejudiced error?)
Robert Green, layman, 1679 (Was it due to odium fidei, or an unprejudiced error?)
Thomas Jennison, Jesuit, 1679[16] (died in prison)
William Lloyd, seminary priest, 1679 (died in prison)
Placid Adelham, Benedictine, 1680 (died in prison)
Richard Birkett, priest, 1680 (died in prison)
Richard Lacey, Jesuit, 1680 (died in prison)
William Atkins, Jesuit, 1681 (died in prison)
Edward Turner, Jesuit, 1681 (died in prison)
William Allison, priest, 1681 (died in prison)
Benedict Constable, Benedictine, 1683 (died in prison)
William Bentney (alias Bennet), Jesuit, 1692 (died in prison)

John Allen, priest, 25 February 1538[38][39]
John Collins, priest, 1538[40][41]
George Croft, priest, 1538[40][41]
Martin Condres, Augustinian monk, December 1538:[42]
Paul of Saint William, Augustinian monk, December 1538:[42]
Thomas Empson (or Epson), Benedictine, 4 August 1540:[citation needed]
Robert Bird, layman; 4 August 1540:[34]
William Bird, priest, 4 August 1540:[citation needed]
William Peterson, priest, Commissary of Calais, Calais, 10 August 1540:[43] or 10 April 1540[44][45]
William Hambledon, priest, 1585[citation needed]
John MacMahon, Jesuit priest, 1594[51]
Thomas Wood, priest, before 1588


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