Roman Catholic English Martyrs-Feastday August 28

Bl. Thomas Felton, Roman Catholic Priest and English Martyr, hanged at lsleworth, London. Feastday Aug.28 

Bl. Robert Morton, Roman Catholic Priest and English Martyr. He was executed at Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Feastday Aug.28 

Bl. William Dean, Roman Catholic Priest and English Martyr, originally a minister who was converted to Catholicism, executed in Nile End Green, London.Feastday Aug.28 

Bl. Thomas Holford, Roman Catholic English Martyr. Raised a Protestant, he worked as a schoolmaster in Herefordshire until converting to the Catholic faith. He left England and was ordained at Reims in 1583. Going home, he labored in the areas around Cheshire and London until his arrest. He was hanged at Clerkenwell in London. 

Bl. William Guntei, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of Wales. A native of Raglan, Gwent, Wales, he was a Catholic who received ordination at Reims, France, in 1587. He returned to England to work for the Catholic mission. Captured, he was hanged at Shoreditch. Feastday Aug 28 

Bl. John Roche s pardon and promise to go to church; to which they replied that they had done nothing that could reasonably offend her Majesty, and that it was against their conscience to attend a protestant church. So they were condemned. These martyrs, who suffered with such firm constancy and patience, were forbidden to speak to the people from the scaffold because their persecutors were afraid of the impression they would make

St. Edmund Arrowsmith, Roman Catholic Priest and English Martyr. He was convicted of being a Catholic priest, sentenced to death, and hanged, drawn, and quartered at Lancaster on August 28th. Feastday aug 28


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